Deirdre Kelly

Greystone Books Lives!


So it’s a good news day, after all.

My publisher, Greystone Books, today announced that it will survive intact from the recent closure of  Douglas & McIntyre thanks to a just inked deal with Heritage House Publishing in British Columbia.

Heritage House has acquired all assets of the Greystone Books publishing imprint from D &M Publishers Inc., including my own books, Paris Times Eight and Ballerina: Sex, Scandal and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection.

We’re back in business!

My original publisher, Rob Sanders,  along with my editor, Nancy Flight, have returned from the brink of disaster to man the ship again.

I am so glad because I couldn’t have written my own titles without their enthusiasm and unstinting support.

Way to go, Rob!

I know he worked tirelessly behind the scenes to protect his authors, his staff, his publishing imprint.

Now we can all get back to  work thinking up a new book for me to do. I can’t wait.

The new company will be based in Vancouver, Canada.




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